Hi, I’m James. A designer and experience architect, with a love for everything in the world of the Internet of Things.
My design thinking thrives in what lays behind the front-end visible user interface. I love connecting the user-driven experience to the inner technical workings of a product.
I build experience architectures. Once my team and I design the front-end together, I work closely with my fellow developers to build an implementation framework for the experience to sit upon. These frameworks are forward-thinking, built with scale and iteration in mind. My work with multi-modal platforms have trained me to always think big picture, connecting the dots across multiple touchpoints, ensuring that a user's natural flow through their physical environment is seamless with their product.
Although my day-to-day job is being a designer at a consumer electronics company, media and technology continue to surround my life. A passion in music has driven my interest in electronic music production. I play piano casually, then also saxophone in a concert band. I’m also a gamer; from games like chess, boardgames, and video games.
The Cliff notes: chess, videogames, music production, Internet of Things (IoT), multi-modal ecosystem design, end-to-end product development, audio experience design, interaction design, networking, security, wireless technologies